Since a few of you asked.... here are a few quick pics of the CD cases I made a few nights ago. Basically each "case" has a clear jewel case inside of it. Therefore these are kinda like slip covers in a way so that the CD is still very protected but personalized.
"You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours..."
~Hillsong "The Stand"
This has been my theme song that has not left my mind for the past few days. As life is overwhelming and
busy I just have to hand everything to God and leave it at His feet and focus on Him even more! I feel as
though I have so many thoughts, ideas, dreams, desires but yet the days just aren't long enough for it all.
Trying to prioritize is so hard! I’m struggling with it to be totally honest. I have such a hard time balancing it all.
Life is good, I am doing well but I constantly want to make sure I am spending my time wisely and
completing the most important of things, the things that will last for eternity. So with a smile and a hop in
my step I press onward. As for photography I have been working daily on my weekly assignments.
I honestly have not gotten much completed this week. I am currently working on my personal expense
list though I’m honestly not feeling it. Currently I feel like finding adventure, capturing something inspirational
and worth posting. A quote which I copied from a friend’s facebook status tonight really encouraged me.
“"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds
are made under pressure" – Remember that!
I pray I complete the assignment for this week before having my skype tomorrow night. Now I just have to
see how long I can last tonight and still get to work early in the morning! :)
Yay, one more thing completed....blogging! - Hopefully next week I'll be more consistent with it.
If you were to go by the activity on my blog one may believe I was dead or life is horrible hence the lack of blogging. Though I must admit neither assumptions are correct. Actually life is rather good, pleasant, lovely, it just seems to be in fast-forward motion! Blogging always comes to mind at the most random of times such as when I am driving across town, answering business calls, hanging with friends or somewhere in between. Bad thing is it NEVER seems to come to mind when my computer is at hand. My memory seems to lacking the "blogging reminder." Though tonight I was pleased to remember as I was heading to bed. Now, about photography...
This past week I have accomplished a decent amount of photography. I completed 2 shoots, uploaded some galleries online, finished creating my photography blog, created CD cases (which I was very pleased with the outcome), worked on this weeks assignments and more that I cannot currently remember.
Tomorrow I plan to finish 2 more of this weeks assignments.
Currently I'm overwhelmed! Haha. Sorry I haven't posted much lately. My family and I have had company in town for the past few days. We threw a bridal party today. When throwing a party my mom goes the extra mile on everything, it is amazing!...but leave for a ton to do! The party was at 11am this morning, it went better than expected! I have now tried to separate myself to complete some photography. Tomorrow and Monday I do not see where I will have the time to complete much. I have church tomorrow and then a party to help throw. It's a weekend of parties or so it seems. Monday I will have to leave work a little early to head out of town for the afternoon and evening. Whew! Life is packed full!
So, for now I am working on my weekly assignments. Now I just have to decide what I want to complete today!
I can't say I accomplished much today, photography wise that is. I worked a long day. After work I headed across town to look at a location for a sunrise shoot I have tomorrow morning! (After the original location fell through today. bummer.) After returning from location scouting I stopped at the gym then headed home just in time to eat dinner with the family since I haven't been able to for the past few nights. Company stopped in after dinner which threw my evening off a bit. Currently I am emptying my memory cards, charging batteries, cleaning lenses, packing my bag for a sunrise shoot in the morning.
-worked on projects for about a half hour
-location scouted = 3.5 hours
-prep for shoot tomorrow - 1+ hours
-photo editing - 30 minutes
I wish there was more time in my day so I could keep going with this list, but I think it is going to end here. I'll pick it back up tomorrow.
Whew! It was a long day, to say the least,(hence the late night post).
In the way of photography today I..
-worked on projects assigned from Christina
-met with a client
-worked on my website
Tomorrow I plan to...
-work on projects assigned from Christina.
-prepare for photo shoot
-download all images from memory cards....(I've gotten behind for one of the first times in my life.)
I'm sure there are things I left out but being 1:30am while my body runs off a mere 4 hours of sleep for the last few nights should be excuse enough. ;)
From sunrise to sunset, the day was beautiful. Throughout the day I looked out the window to see the beautiful crosses on the tip of every pine-tree branch. Each time I saw the crosses I was reminded of the cross. The cross where Jesus was crucified to pay for my sins. It is just amazing. Life is beautiful. I serve a risen Savior. I wonder how I can so easily see the beauty in life today yet there are many days where I get frustrated and upset. So my prayer is that I will constantly be reminded of this, not just on Easter but throughout the year. "By His wounds we are healed."
As for photography, it was not my focus today. But I did take pictures of the Easter egg hunt we did for my niece and her friend. The Easter egg hunt brought many laughs and good memories.
I may try to download the images, from today, onto my computer tonight but we will see. As for tomorrow I have a few emails to reply to. Some work to complete on my website and blog. I need to work on my assignments from Christina and keep working on a logo!
To each and all: I hope you had an amazing and blessed Easter! May you be blessed in the coming week. ~Good-night
I can't say I completed much with photography today.
-talked to the YMCA about volunteering with photography
-worked on a logo
-emailed a few clients
-worked on "packages/prices" for 2 new clients/brides that contacted me today with interests in me photographing their weddings.
and that is about it. Tomorrow is Easter so I'm sure I will grab my camera but as for photography "work" I plan to enjoy the Lord day and Easter tomorrow.
-had my call with Christina
-finalized my domain name switchover
-worked a bit on my web site
-got pictures ready for upload
-emailed a client
-worked on a logo (but to no avail)
-read photography blogs
-and I cannot remember what else.
Those were the main photography tasks completed yesterday.
Question: Does anyone know of a good logo designer, graphic designer, or something of the sort? I am trying to create a logo for my photography business that I have recently renamed; Sarahdipity Photos. Or if you personally have any ideas please shoot them my way! =)