Rays of sunlight beamed across the riverfront gardens in Riverside at the break of dawn this morning. Such perfect setting for the photo shot that was "suppose" to be. A photo shoot was on my agenda, but it was quickly taken off due to work conflicts for my models. Nonetheless, the morning was beautiful. Painting, painting and more painting ended up being the outcome of my art for today. Spring cleaning always means "painting" in our house.
With a tin bucket of white paint, a wooden handled think bristled brush, and old colorful paint splattered clothes I started my day out painting! Hours later after the sun set my day started coming to a close as I brushed the last strokes of paint onto a windowsill. Art? No doubt about it, even with a can of white paint, one brush and wooden trim art is created!

One sip of coffee remains in the mug beside me. A few words left inside me yet to be spoken. A happy tune still rings through my head as I finish up this day with some photo editing, blogging and then head to dream land; where there are beautiful sunrises every day and art is created in every way. =)
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