Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm Alive and Well

If you were to go by the activity on my blog one may believe I was dead or life is horrible hence the lack of blogging. Though I must admit neither assumptions are correct. Actually life is rather good, pleasant, lovely, it just seems to be in fast-forward motion! Blogging always comes to mind at the most random of times such as when I am driving across town, answering business calls, hanging with friends or somewhere in between. Bad thing is it NEVER seems to come to mind when my computer is at hand. My memory seems to lacking the "blogging reminder." Though tonight I was pleased to remember as I was heading to bed. Now, about photography...

This past week I have accomplished a decent amount of photography. I completed 2 shoots, uploaded some galleries online, finished creating my photography blog, created CD cases (which I was very pleased with the outcome), worked on this weeks assignments and more that I cannot currently remember.

Tomorrow I plan to finish 2 more of this weeks assignments.

For now, sleep is calling my name.


  1. Exciting stuff girl! What is the adress for your new blog?

  2. i know what you mean about remembering blogging at random times. i even put a reminder in my phone that goes off every evening to help me remember...but it hasn't worked so well. haha

  3. What kind of CD cases were you working on? Sounds like you've managed to keep fairly busy over the last couple of weeks. Glad to hear it.

  4. I also want to know about the CD cases. I'd love info on what you did... Perhaps a picture as well. :) I just learned how to make lightscribe CD's but I'd love a nice case to match. :)

    I'm sure you have been VERY productive! :) I always love seeing your stuff and admiring your drive for accomplishing things! :)

  5. Sarah you are one driven person! Wow! Great list of accomplishments. I totally understand the blogging thing...most days I just don't think of it :P

    Also I echo the above comments.... could we see the CD cases?

  6. Thanks y'all! Sorry I haven't replied sooner! Whoops.

    Well as for the CD cases they are totally random, unique, different. Haha. I'd love to post a pic. I'll totally do that if y'all give your honest opinion on them, okay? I really appreciate all the comments and advice! I love hearing from inspires me to blog more often.

    As for my "business blog" I really have only gotten it "set-up." I haven't started blogging. I posted a few pics just while I worked on the layout and such so ya. But the address is - Let me know your thoughts! :)

  7. i love the "open" photo on your blog! very creative. :)
