Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I can't say I accomplished much today, photography wise that is. I worked a long day. After work I headed across town to look at a location for a sunrise shoot I have tomorrow morning! (After the original location fell through today. bummer.) After returning from location scouting I stopped at the gym then headed home just in time to eat dinner with the family since I haven't been able to for the past few nights. Company stopped in after dinner which threw my evening off a bit. Currently I am emptying my memory cards, charging batteries, cleaning lenses, packing my bag for a sunrise shoot in the morning.

-worked on projects for about a half hour

-location scouted = 3.5 hours

-prep for shoot tomorrow - 1+ hours

-photo editing - 30 minutes

I wish there was more time in my day so I could keep going with this list, but I think it is going to end here. I'll pick it back up tomorrow.

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